Tuilink - An AI-Powered Referrer Connecting Tool for Job Seekers

Increasing User Subscription by 23%

Rexpand Co. aims to scale its subscription service by using generative AI to assist job seekers in accessing internal referral opportunities. Job seekers face significant challenges in connecting with potential referrers. Addressing this issue is crucial for the success of our members' careers and the growth of our company.


Lead product designer


Jun 2023 - Sep 2023


Strategy, User research report, Persona, Information architecture, User flows, Wireframes, High fidelity UI, Prototypes, Final specs

Job seekers face inefficiencies when searching for internal referrers, writing messages, and tracking responses on LinkedIn. 

To gain deep insights into the challenges job seekers encounter when finding potential referrers, I conducted 20 in-depth user interviews. The insights played a crucial role in identifying areas for improvement and defining strategy to address users’ needs effectively.

Using personas to convey user archetypes to the entire product team ensures a shared understanding. Now, we can define strategies based on these insights.

Strategy: AI-driven referrer recommendation and message generation, with a clear outreach process overview. 

To ensure a user-centered and efficient design, I held working sessions with the CEO and CTO to define design strategy. This strategy serves as a structured framework for addressing design challenges and aligns our vision.

Smart referrer recommendation

AI powered message generation

Clear outreach process overview

Validating idea with low-fidelity prototype

To validate idea and establish design direction, I created low-fidelity wireframes to test with 10 users. A resounding 90% of the tested users expressed their eagerness to witness it in action.

Getting the idea validated with a low-fi prototype. Now we can dive into details of user interaction and interface design.

Making referrer selection easy

With the idea successfully validated, my focus shifted to the referrer selection flow. As the first step, I wanted to ensure that users could add referrers efficiently and easily. I explored various approaches and eventually narrowed it down to two options.

Option 1: Adding referrers one at a time.

Option 2: Adding referrers all at once.

I conducted user testing with 10 participants to determine user preference. Option 2 had a 20% less completion time, providing a great directional data point. Users prefer to select multiple referrers by default.

Designing a way to guide users

With easy selection of referrers, I want to make sure users can complete the following steps seamlessly, from generating tailored messages to sending them.

I explored two options for guiding users and conducted user testing to determine effective user guidance approach.

Option 1: Enabling only the buttons necessary for the current step and disabling the unnecessary ones.

Option 2: Adding a stepper to guide users.

Another user testing session revealed that with the addition of a stepper, users' task completion time increased. The design without a stepper proved to be intuitive and straightforward for our users. This not only saves development effort but also provides more real estate for referrer selection.

Providing a clear overview of outreach process

To ensure users stay informed about the process of their outreach efforts, I explored solutions allowing them to access data easily.

Starting with tab navigation similar to the main menu. but user testing found this navigation text-heavy and visually unclear. I went back to the drawing board to address these concerns.

Introducing clickable data card to view details and improving visual hierarchy. Users responded positively to this approach.

Final design


After launching Tuilink, our user subscription increased by 23% in three months.

As we gather post-launch data and user feedback, many new opportunities have emerged, including Enhanced Matching Algorithms, In-App Messaging and Mobile Accessibility.

More user research is needed to prioritize and validate the new ideas, ensuring we align them with user needs and expectations effectively.

“The automated message generation is a game-changer. It makes reaching out to referrers a breeze, and I can’t wait to use it more.”

- Tuilink user